
Earl will be at the following places at the following times. If you are interested in speaking with him at one of these events, or would like to have him come to your area, please contact him. Earl will be traveling with at least one of every size of instrument that he makes, and he encourages those who are interested to try them.

February 24, 2024: Earl will be giving a presentation on the history and development of the Nyckleharpa at the Chippewa Valley Museum in Eau Claire.

March 2, 2024: Minneapolis, MN, Earl will be giving another presentation on the Nyckleharpa at the American Swedish Institute at noon.

June 8, 2024: Duluth, MN, Earl will be at the Duluth Nordic Festival, which is the replacement for the Nisswa Stammen.

July 14- 20, 2024: Earl will be driving east to New York to attend the Ashokan Northern Week from July 14-20. He may be going a bit north towards the Boston area afterwards. If you desire him to stop and visit along the way or way back, please contact him. He will have strings, bows, instruments and a tool box along.

August 15-18, 2024: Earl plans on attending the Milwaukee Irish Fest.

October 3-6, 2024: Earl will be at the International Days of the Nyckelharpa in Germany.

October 25-27, 2024:Dodgeville WI, DoAnn will be teaching at the Folklore Village Swedish Music and Dance weekend.

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(Page last updated 2/17/2024)